
Latest News & Resources

In The News


Health Care transformers, transforming the future of ageing

Women in healthcare leadership: Two women rewrite the story on aging


ERE media, Viva Valet's hiring practices

As an early-stage tech start-up in elder care, communicating our...


EMG GOLD 2023 predictious

The outlook for the coming year is one of positivity and progress, but what key trends and themes do...


EMG GOLD Podcast 2023 predictions

Join Helena and Isabel in ringing in the new year with a special episode of The GOLD Podcast, in which five...

Research & White Papers


Commissioned research on ageing and technology use

This report discusses the changing dynamics of the aging US population and more.


UN white paper on Senior Tech literacy

The Digital Literacy roundtable, with participants from multiple countries, emphasized the increasing importance of the digital world...


UN white paper on Senior Broadband access

The Broadband Access roundtable discussed the importance of technology access as a human right, identified barriers such as...


UN White paper on Senior inclusive design

The Inclusive Design roundtable focused on the increasing role of the digital world, highlighted the experiences and challenges of participants...

Thought Leadership


Honoring Grandpa Hal, our Founder's story

The story of how Grandpa Hal’s independence inspired Mariam...


Youtube channel

On this channel, you can expect insightful interviews sharing knowledge and insights on life as an Older (how we lovingly refer to the older seniors...


The 5 critical conversations to have today with Gerontologist Susie Di Giovanna

Gerontologist Susie DiGiovanna joins Jennifer Cain Birkmose on the....